My name is GAYATRi kumari ( a girl full of colourful dreams ✨️, who knows how to make her dreams true )
Qualification – master’s in chemistry.
Address- kashipur , town – samastipur, District – samastipur, pin – 848101, state – bihar
Although PAINTINGS were not in the list of my hobbies but suddenly in a frame of time
I’ve developed my career as an art instructor by for custom ink drawings and working as a pre school teacher n artisan.
Each of these experiences and practices allowed me to become a better and more patient artist who can connect deeply with those attending my classes and teach them the basics of pen and ink drawing.
My motivation for making and selling art is to illustrate my experience as a child growing up close to nature.
Most recently, my art features many topics related to nature, like climate change and sustainability.
Selling my art simply helps me have the funds to work fewer hours at my part-time job so I can focus on my art 🎨 preferably.